CHICAGO—Saviours’ Day, the annual Nation of Islam celebration and crowning event of Black History Month, is coming back to where it all started for the groundbreaking Islamic movement—Detroit!

Jumu’ah Congressional Prayer service at Saviours’ Day 2016 led by Imam Abdul Malik.
Thousands of followers of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad under the leadership of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and their supporters, visitors and guests from the U.S. and abroad will convene Feb. 21-23 for a full weekend of workshops and activities for all ages at the TCF Center located at 1 Washington Blvd. in Detroit.
The highlight of the weekend will be the keynote message of instruction, divine guidance and warning by Min. Farrakhan on Sunday, Feb. 23 at the TCF Center. Doors open at 12 p.m. EDT and the program will be broadcast live via internet at starting at 2 p. m. EDT. Min. Farrakhan’s message is titled, “The Unraveling of a Great Nation.”

Audience claps during Saviours’ Day 2014 pro- gram.
Saviours’ Day is the commemoration of the birth of Master W. Fard Muhammad, the Messiah of the Christians, Mahdi of the Muslims and teacher of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. He was born February 26, 1877 in the Holy City of Mecca in Arabia and traveled to America in search of the Black man and woman of America to teach and resurrect them from a “dead” state caused by over 400 years of systematic oppression, slavery and brutal mistreatment.

Youngsters enjoy playing chess at 2016 Saviours’ Day.
Detroit is where Master Fard Muhammad and the Hon. Elijah Muhammad first met in the early 1930s and where the first temple—as it was called then—of the Nation of Islam was established.
The last two years Saviours’ Day was held in Chicago, where Nation of Islam headquarters is located. There is tremendous anticipation and excitement that the convention this year is returning to the city of its birth as the global movement approaches 90 years since its founding and the coming of Master W. Fard Muhammad.

Joe Louis Memorial In Detroit.
Saviours’ Day 2020 is also a milestone in the ministry and mission of Min. Farrakhan as it marks 65 years since his acceptance of his teacher’s message and becoming a follower of Mr. Muhammad. This also marks the 45th year of Min. Farrakhan working in the absence of his teacher.
There will be workshops on Friday and Saturday featuring panelists and facilitators that are experts in various areas and based on The Muslim Program of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad found on the back page of The Final Call newspaper.
Workshops will include a wide range of topics including: agriculture, real estate and land acquisition, marriage and courtship, youth summit, mental and physical health and various aspects of the Nation of Islam’s Nine Ministries. A special screening of a feature film, Pushout: Crimilization of Black Girls in Schools will be shown on Friday and Saturday. The Nation of Islam Historical Exhibit and Mother Khadijah Farrakhan’s Children’s Village will also be featured. Friday night features The Final Call Newspaper 40th anniversary celebratory black-tie banquet and there will be a special town hall meeting at the Shrine of the Black Madonna on Saturday afternoon titled, “The Black Man and Woman Must Consider Separation.”

Detroit skyline
Detroit is a special city not just because it is the Mecca of the Nation of Islam and where it was founded, but the city is also the Mecca for Black people in general, explained Student Minister Ishmael R. Muhammad, national assistant to Min. Farrakhan.
“The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam is happy and proud to return to the city of our birth and establishment as the Nation of Islam. We celebrate the birth of a Saviour and commemorate 90 years of the Nation of Islam,” he said.
See pages 17, 34, 36, 37, back page and visit for more information and updates on Saviours’ Day 2020 including registration, Final Call banquet tickets, Sunday tickets, hotels, workshops, Children’s Village and more.